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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On The Road

Hello again from Positive Play!

Positive Play has so far in January visited five primary clubs and intends to complete the remaining six in the coming three weeks. Photos appear on this blog from four of these sessions and illustrate how responsive the kids were to Positive Play's visit. The trainers representing these clubs are already working through the process of spreading the message through dissemination of materials to secondary clubs, having been mentored by Positive Play. These coaches will be invited to Sarajevo to a seminar in the spring at which they will receive more formal training in risk education through sport.

We are also working with a young artist from the town of Zenica to produce illustrations for our forthcoming risk education magazine that we aim to distribute to over 20,000 kids throughout the country in 2008.

Our student coach Anel has now developed to the point that he is able to make presentations having been trained in Positive Play's methodologies by Haris.

Lejla is enjoying getting some hands-on experience of field activities even if the days are long and the weather is not the best.

It's Drvar and Bihać this weekend, with Sokolac and Goražde to follow.

Jim & the Positive Play team.

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